5. Someone opening their bag and taking all of the tchotchkes and sweeping them into their back and walking away.
6. Not being open to new people.
7. Sitting back of the booth and not be engaged with the attendee.
8. Talking to each other and igoring the customers.
9. Sitting down, eating and reading a book.
10. I'm gonna say sitting down with your back to the floor working on the laptop.
11. Talking to each other with their backs turned and not facing with people walking by you paid so much for the booth, they're sitting here, they're texing, they're talking.
12. I would say breaking down early, because our show closes at 3:00, not 9:00 in the morning.
13. Sales going form one booth and dragging people over to another booth.
14. Poaching from other people's booth, so when you see people engage in conversation and I'm kind of walking away at that conversation.
15. Everybody on the their cellphones in the booth for sure.
16. On the phone with potential people going by, not good.
17. People texting with each other while they're in the booth ignoring the customers.
18. Not engaging with people that are here and around them, looking at their phones, looking at their Ipads, you know, you are here, face to face to meet with people, this is the time to do it.
19. I'd say one of the things I commonly see is exhibitors on their cellphones looking at board, and not present and I think that's one of the biggest mistakes, you should be trying to engage the attendees as they walk by, and start the conversation.
20. We're face to face industry, we're face to face business, people want to do business with someone that they can speak to and have that interaction and you're not gonna get that by sitting in the back of the booth with your arms crossed not engaged.
展会上应该如何做?1. smile:微笑面带微笑的销售会给买家留下很好的第一印象。2. Be enthusiastic:热情保持热情积极的态度。早起,熬夜,不断招待老客户和潜在客户,可能有点枯燥,但都是展会上需要经历的。而你该做的正是积极地和每一位买家沟通。3. Be on time:准时准时准备好迎接与会者。4. Get a good night's sleep:睡一个好觉参加展会是很辛苦的。你的身体需要从一整天的劳累中恢复过来,千万别因为睡眠不足或者过度劳累而导致丢失大批客户。5. Take a break:稍事休息白天在展会一定要找时间休息一下,吃个午餐,伸伸腿,放松一下。这可以让你恢复精力。6. Greet:问候语见到客户的问候语很重要,这让买家能够感受到他是受欢迎的。问候对方是你销售的第一步,微笑着迎接他们,然后提供产品信息,跟客户沟通,努力成单。7. Dress and grooming:服饰装扮展会上服装的选择很大程度上反映了你个人以及公司的形象。穿合适的衣服,舒服的鞋子,而在服装的选择上,展会最后一天是最灵活的,因为你可能要在当天完成拆卸的工作,但请别因为这样就忽视外在的形象,也许你的潜在客户正看着你。8. cell phone use:使用手机在展会上我们有时候会需要用手机来记录一些信息,但其他时候销售人员最好不好一直使用手机。因为打电话的时候,你的肢体语言可能会无意中给有兴趣的买家散发这样的信息:我在忙,没时间接待你。请注意只要在展会上,务必让每一个可能走进你展位的客户都感觉自己是受欢迎的,这样成单的机会才会更多。9. tidy stands:展架整洁很多时候,展会期间人来人往,使得摊位展架远不如第一天整洁。特别是在“办公”区域,无数的文件,设备,招待客户用的杯子,饮品,以及垃圾等,这会让摊位看起来很乱。建议参展商们准备一些盒子或者装箱,用来存放使用过但不能扔的文件,设备等。
潜在客户的其他建议1.Don't ignore prospects:你的工作就是吸引每一个走进你展位的人,客户都不喜欢自己被忽略,因此即使你很忙,也要眼观六路耳听八方的关注每一个有意交流的人,告诉他们一会就来接待他们。 2. Don't underestimate prospects:任何一个展会,买家都可能来自世界各地,代表不同的文化和习俗。千万别被他们的外表迷惑,尤其别小看那些穿着休闲随意的客户。3. What's in a name:有些买家可能你不认识他的公司品牌,但这并不意味着他不是一个重要的买家。任何潜在客户都有可能是个大客户,据了解还有很多知名零售商会故意带别人家的品牌,因为他们不想被认出来。4. Use the prospect's name:努力在一开始的时候就记住潜在客户的名字,然后在后期的交流中提到它们,这会让买家觉得很受尊重。以上那20个买家讨厌的行为你曾见过吗?希望正在参展或即将参展的朋友尽量避免,多多成单!